The Bermuda Triangle (1979) Primewire

Watch The Bermuda Triangle primewire online. The Bermuda Triangle is directed by Richard Friedenberg with Brad Crandall, Donald Albee, Lin Berlitz, Howard W. Bishop Jr., Larry Bisman, John Bohan, R.J. Bohner, Vince Davis, David Ellzey, Steve Farrell, Bobbie Ferguson, Tony Frank, Ed Fry, John William Galt, Anne Galvan.

Movie: The Bermuda Triangle

  • Directed by: Richard Friedenberg
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Brad Crandall, Donald Albee, Lin Berlitz, Howard W. Bishop Jr., Larry Bisman, John Bohan, R.J. Bohner, Vince Davis, David Ellzey, Steve Farrell, Bobbie Ferguson, Tony Frank, Ed Fry, John William Galt, Anne Galvan
  • Release Date: January 24, 1979
  • Run Time: 93 min
  • Genre: Documentary, Mystery, Sci-Fi