Queen of Outer Space (1958) Primewire

Watch Queen of Outer Space primewire online. Queen of Outer Space is directed by Edward Bernds with Barbara Darrow, Brandy Bryan, Dave Willock, Eric Fleming, Guy Prescott, John Bleifer, Joi Lansing, June McCall, Kathy Marlowe, Laura Mason, Laurie Mitchell, Lisa Davis, Lynn Cartwright, Marilyn Buferd, Mary Ford, Marya Stevens, Norma Young, Patrick Waltz, Paul Birch, Ralph Gamble, Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Movie: Queen of Outer Space

  • Directed by: Edward Bernds
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Barbara Darrow, Brandy Bryan, Dave Willock, Eric Fleming, Guy Prescott, John Bleifer, Joi Lansing, June McCall, Kathy Marlowe, Laura Mason, Laurie Mitchell, Lisa Davis, Lynn Cartwright, Marilyn Buferd, Mary Ford, Marya Stevens, Norma Young, Patrick Waltz, Paul Birch, Ralph Gamble, Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • Release Date: September 07, 1958
  • Run Time: 80 mins
  • Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi