Father of Lights (2012) Primewire

Watch Father of Lights primewire online. Father of Lights is directed by Darren Wilson with Darren Wilson, Robby Dawkins, Todd White, Deena Vant Hul, Doug Addison, Heidi Baker, Matthew Barnett, Mike Bickle, Shawn Bolz, Reinhard Bonnke, Greg Boyd, Randy Clark, Jack Deere, Majed el Shafie, Andrew Farley.

Movie: Father of Lights

  • Directed by: Darren Wilson
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Darren Wilson, Robby Dawkins, Todd White, Deena Vant Hul, Doug Addison, Heidi Baker, Matthew Barnett, Mike Bickle, Shawn Bolz, Reinhard Bonnke, Greg Boyd, Randy Clark, Jack Deere, Majed el Shafie, Andrew Farley
  • Release Date: July 08, 2012
  • Run Time:
  • Genre: Documentary