The Amateur (1981) Primewire

Watch The Amateur primewire online. The Amateur is directed by Charles Jarrott with Anthony Kramreither, Arthur Hill, Chapelle Jaffe, Christopher Plummer, Ed Lauter, Erin Noble, George Buza, George Coe, George R Robertson, Graham Jarvis, Guy Sanvido, Harry Hornisch, Henry Gomez, Irena Mayeska, Jacques Godin, Jan Rubes, Jan Triska, John Kerr, John Marley, John Savage, Lee Broker, Lisa Schrage, Lynne Griffin, Marthe Keller, Maruska Stankova, Miguel Fernandes, Neil Dainard, Nicholas Campbell, Peter Langley, Peter Wolsdorff, Robert Beatty, Tedde Moore, Vladimr Valenta, Vlasta Vrana, Wally Bondarenko, Walter Reyer.

Movie: The Amateur

  • Directed by: Charles Jarrott
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Anthony Kramreither, Arthur Hill, Chapelle Jaffe, Christopher Plummer, Ed Lauter, Erin Noble, George Buza, George Coe, George R Robertson, Graham Jarvis, Guy Sanvido, Harry Hornisch, Henry Gomez, Irena Mayeska, Jacques Godin, Jan Rubes, Jan Triska, John Kerr, John Marley, John Savage, Lee Broker, Lisa Schrage, Lynne Griffin, Marthe Keller, Maruska Stankova, Miguel Fernandes, Neil Dainard, Nicholas Campbell, Peter Langley, Peter Wolsdorff, Robert Beatty, Tedde Moore, Vladimr Valenta, Vlasta Vrana, Wally Bondarenko, Walter Reyer
  • Release Date: December 11, 1981
  • Run Time: 112 mins
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller