Anne of Green Gables (2016) Primewire

Watch Anne of Green Gables primewire online. Anne of Green Gables is directed by John Kent Harrison with Ella Ballentine, Sara Botsford, Martin Sheen, Julia Lalonde, Amelia Byrnes-Lewis, Jaime Feggi, Zoe Fraser, Kyle Gatehouse, Drew Haytaoglu, Kate Hennig, Linda Kash, Stefani Kimber, Natalia Payne, Alanis Peart, Isabella Ricker.

Movie: Anne of Green Gables

  • Directed by: John Kent Harrison
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Ella Ballentine, Sara Botsford, Martin Sheen, Julia Lalonde, Amelia Byrnes-Lewis, Jaime Feggi, Zoe Fraser, Kyle Gatehouse, Drew Haytaoglu, Kate Hennig, Linda Kash, Stefani Kimber, Natalia Payne, Alanis Peart, Isabella Ricker
  • Release Date: February 15, 2016
  • Run Time: 1h 30min
  • Genre: Family