The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988) Primewire

Watch The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! primewire online. The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! is directed by David Zucker with ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, Brinke Stevens, Burton Zucker, Charlotte Zucker, Christopher J Keene, Conrad E Palmisano, David Katz, Dick Enberg, Dick Vitale, Don Woodard, Doris Hess, Ed Williams, Edwina Moore, George Kennedy, Hank Robinson, Jeannette Charles, Jeff Wright, Jim Palmer, Jim Smith, Joe Grifasi, Joe West, John Houseman, Joyce Brothers, Lawrence Tierney, Leslie Nielsen, Mallory Sandler, Mark Holton, Maureen Flaherty, Mel Allen, Nancy Marchand, Nicholas Worth, OJ Simpson, Prince Hughes, Priscilla Presley, Raye Birk, Reggie Jackson, Ricardo Montalban, Rick Seaman, Robert Arthur, Robert K Weiss, Ronald G Joseph, Stuart Lancaster, Susan Beaubian, Susan Breslau, Sydney Urshan, Tim McCarver, Tiny Ron, Tom Dugan, USC Trojan Marching Band, Winifred Freedman.

Movie: The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!

  • Directed by: David Zucker
  • Writers:
  • Starring: ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, Brinke Stevens, Burton Zucker, Charlotte Zucker, Christopher J Keene, Conrad E Palmisano, David Katz, Dick Enberg, Dick Vitale, Don Woodard, Doris Hess, Ed Williams, Edwina Moore, George Kennedy, Hank Robinson, Jeannette Charles, Jeff Wright, Jim Palmer, Jim Smith, Joe Grifasi, Joe West, John Houseman, Joyce Brothers, Lawrence Tierney, Leslie Nielsen, Mallory Sandler, Mark Holton, Maureen Flaherty, Mel Allen, Nancy Marchand, Nicholas Worth, OJ Simpson, Prince Hughes, Priscilla Presley, Raye Birk, Reggie Jackson, Ricardo Montalban, Rick Seaman, Robert Arthur, Robert K Weiss, Ronald G Joseph, Stuart Lancaster, Susan Beaubian, Susan Breslau, Sydney Urshan, Tim McCarver, Tiny Ron, Tom Dugan, USC Trojan Marching Band, Winifred Freedman
  • Release Date: December 02, 1988
  • Run Time: 85 mins
  • Genre: Action, Comedy, Romance, Crime