Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom (2006) Primewire

Watch Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom primewire online. Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom is directed by Robert Child with Chad O. Allen, Benjamin F. Black, Cindy Brinkerhof, Mike Brown, Tony Casey, Paul V. Chiles, Jim Choate, John Correll, Tim Duquette, Sam Edens, Patrick Falci, Dennis E. Frye, Kurt Grauf, Shaun C. Grenan, Allen Guelzo.

Movie: Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom

  • Directed by: Robert Child
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Chad O. Allen, Benjamin F. Black, Cindy Brinkerhof, Mike Brown, Tony Casey, Paul V. Chiles, Jim Choate, John Correll, Tim Duquette, Sam Edens, Patrick Falci, Dennis E. Frye, Kurt Grauf, Shaun C. Grenan, Allen Guelzo
  • Release Date: January 31, 2006
  • Run Time: 90 min
  • Genre: Documentary