Help, Help, the Globolinks! (1969) Primewire

Watch Help, Help, the Globolinks! primewire online. Help, Help, the Globolinks! is directed by Gian Carlo Menotti with Ursula Boese, Franz Grundheber, Noel Mangin, Kurt Marschner, Edith Mathis, Arlene Saunders, Raymond Wolansky, William Workman.

Movie: Help, Help, the Globolinks!

  • Directed by: Gian Carlo Menotti
  • Writers:
  • Starring: Ursula Boese, Franz Grundheber, Noel Mangin, Kurt Marschner, Edith Mathis, Arlene Saunders, Raymond Wolansky, William Workman
  • Release Date: January 30, 1969
  • Run Time: 71 min
  • Genre: Musical, Sci-Fi